Real Estate and Construction Financial Management

没有哪个企业希望自己的商业地产365买球网延期或超出预算. 随着经济通胀的上升和供应链问题影响基本材料, 在一个365买球网的整个过程中,您可能会遇到许多挑战. 一种材料的短缺可能会导致严重的延误,并导致成本的增加.

While your project managers can oversee costs of your project, 将财务管理的负担从他们的清单上去掉,使他们能够专注于365买球网安全, operations, and strategic thinking about the critical path.

我们的财务经理了解看似简单的因素如何影响您的365买球网成本. When executing your project, we consider all of the ways costs may change over time, 因此,我们可以相应地分配您的业务资源,并制定应急计划. 在我们的支持下,您会发现您投入365买球网的每一分钱都物有所值.

Construction Financial Management

每一个商业地产或建筑365买球网都有一个固定的预算. 作为您的合作伙伴,我们的首要任务是保持在预算范围内. 我们的施工财务管理专家监督您的365买球网,以确保我们保持成本在目标范围内. 

为了不超出预算,我们会考虑你365买球网的范围和不同的因素 may impact costs over time, such as 您的365买球网的位置或一年中的施工时间发生. For instance, less work is likely to get done when snow is on the ground, so cold winter months may be slower and less costly overall. 当我们在整个365买球网过程中分配预算时,我们会考虑所有这些因素.  

At the end of each month, 我们的施工财务管理专家审查发票,以确保预算支出与分配一致. During this process, our experts verify that work has been completed. If we discover that costs deviate from the allocated budget, 我们深入了解原因,并制定解决方案,以确保成本保持在目标范围内. 


Commercial real estate projects are subject to countless risks. Just one fluctuation in costs can jeopardize the success of a project, and in this volatile economic climate, projects are subject to more curveballs than ever before. 有一个财务经理在你的团队中,你将为任何挑战做好准备.

Financial Management colleagues at a computer

Let’s start with one project.

在商业房地产365买球网中,一张发票的金额可能在1万美元到100万美元之间. Additionally, each project has many vendors who must be managed and paid. Just a few of the parties involved include:

    • Architects
    • Engineers
    • General contractors
    • Electrical companies
    • HVAC companies

我们的施工财务管理专家证实这些供应商已经在分配的预算内完成了他们的工作. 我们还通过及时处理和支付发票,确保信任处于供应商关系的最前沿. 在这方面的及时服务对于维持牢固的供应商关系至关重要, so vendors remain satisfied with our working relationship.

In addition to managing vendor relationships, 我们预测成本如何随时间变化,并在潜在挑战出现时确定解决方案. 影响365买球网成本的因素数不胜数,包括:

    • The project scope
    • The location of your project
    • The time of year construction takes place
    • Fluctuations in pricing on materials, labor, equipment, etc.
    • Economic inflation
    • Supply chain changes

We consider each of these factors when allocating resources. However, surprises can still happen, 尤其是在当前通胀高企、供应链问题更为普遍的365买球下.

这就是为什么在你的365买球网团队中有一个有施工财务管理经验的人是至关重要的. 一种材料的价格波动会影响整个365买球网的成本. 当这种情况发生时,我们的专家会检查您可用的所有替代方案. 然后,我们向您展示您的选择,并就哪种解决方案最适合您的365买球网范围和预算提出建议.

我们的施工财务管理专家在您的365买球网团队中发挥着至关重要的作用. We do not just process invoices or prepare budgets. 实际上,施工财务管理要比这复杂得多. Our experts handle:

    • Cash flow management
    • Cost projections and cost management
    • Financial reporting
    • Accounting closeout
    • Threat analysis and problem solving

Above all, 我们对影响您的365买球网及其预算的许多因素提供必要的见解,并设计解决方案,使您能够控制成本. 我们预测可能威胁您365买球网成功的挑战,并确定应急计划. Additionally, 当意外事件影响您的365买球网成本时,我们知道在哪里寻找经济上可行的替代方案. .

Ultimately, 财务经理在决策和解决365买球网相关问题方面发挥着关键作用. 在这么多365买球网同时进行的情况下,即使是一个出色的应急计划也可能落空. We have the expertise necessary to identify the best alternatives. Moreover, 我们可以对每个备选方案在整个365买球网的剩余部分可能产生的影响进行清晰的分析. That way, when you are faced with a challenge, 你有能力对365买球网的未来做出明智的决定.

承担新建筑365买球网或翻新的公司知道他们需要365买球网经理的专业365买球来监督承包商和建筑师,他们可以把他们的愿景变为现实. 然而,许多人不知道建筑财务管理专家所能提供的价值. You only have a limited amount of resources available to you. 在财务经理的支持下,你可以确信不会浪费任何东西.

Financial managers are particularly valuable to highly complex projects. The higher a project’s budget and the longer the timeline, the more opportunities there are for financial setbacks to occur. 我们有管理预算超过1亿美元的长期365买球网的财务的经验. When you have a project that complex, you need someone with ample experience tracking, reporting and executing commercial real estate budgets.

However, 不仅仅是高度复杂的365买球网可以从财务经理的洞察力中受益. 随着经济通胀和供应链问题影响成本和365买球网时间表, 财务经理可以帮助任何365买球网按时在预算范围内完成.